Many people are experiencing “Maskne” which is acne from the constant wearing of masks which causes friction, traps oil, dust, and effects our oral health! We know there are many acne treatments out there for you to try and it can be overwhelming. If you have “maskne” and are uncomfortable taking antibiotics or you don’t want to use harsh topical acne treatment results, FDA approved BLU-U® blue light therapy from DUSA Pharmaceutical – using light without drugs or antibiotics – may be something for you to try.
What is BLU-U Blue Light Treatment?
DUSA BLU-U is a unique blue light that kills the P. acnes bacteria in your skin. Treatments are simple – you sit with your face close to the light for a short time at a schedule set up by your doctor, approximately a 17-minute session about once or twice per week. The acne treatments may go on for four- five weeks or so. It’s safe, not hot, and not painful. After few treatments the BLU-U® blue light can helps to control your acne.
Mask wearing can not only produces and inflames acne and general skin irritation, it can also result in “mask mouth”. Dentists say face coverings increase mouth dryness and contribute to a buildup of bad bacteria.
People tend to breathe through their mouth instead of through their nose while wearing a mask, the mouth breathing is causing the dry mouth, which leads to a decrease in saliva — and saliva is what fights the bacteria and cleanses your teeth. And re-breathing bacteria laden breath onto your skin under your mask doesn’t help the “maskne” situation any either.
Until the mask mandates are lifted, every series of BLU-U® blue light acne treatment comes with a bottle of Silver Mint Mouthwash to help address your “mask mouth” (a $20 value).
Call me at 951-236-6245 for an appointment or for further information to find out if BLU-U® blue light maskne treatment is right for you.
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